When one thinks of happiness, and what derives or cause it, what might you think of? Is it a certain object, an object recollected from a memory? Or could it be a certain space or place that brings about certain memories in your past that create happiness? I find that spaces or places create happiness for me. When asked in class to think about a favorite place, space, and object, I actually found it easier to think of the place and space as opposed to an object. Personally, places leave a stronger mark, they bring about certain emotions by heightening senses you received while in the space. When asked to then think about a specific place or space on campus that makes you happy I thought of a few, but they are moreso places, specifically outdoor, rather than interior spaces. One place in particular is the Foust park. The simplicity of the landscape, the way the hills flow across the land is relaxing, a place to enjoy, to create memories, whether they be solitude or with the company of others. A place to sketch, to read, a place to illuminate internal struggles. The openness allows one to find a space for themselves, whether it be under a tree or on a bench. Above (left) is a sketch I actually did last year for myself.
Another place on campus I thoroughly enjoy is the bridge leading one to the music building. I find it simply fascinating. I never venture over there as much as I would like, but whenever I do, all I want is to explore, to imagine this epic adventure scene using the bridge and it's surroundings. One interesting thing about the nature around the music building is the authenticity of it. No one is allowed to build or destroy the landscape, which I think is well fit, considering the beauty and overall atmosphere it creates. Above (right) is a sketch of the bridge I did the other day for class.
Carlie, It is so nice to see your sketches clarify the ideas you bring. You have an artistic gift that should show more in your other posts. Nice job!