One thing I look for in design is uniqueness. As I was looking at various blogs, a few stood out... a few didn't. One in particular caught my eye... and all I had to do was read the title. I'm speaking, of course, of Crack Skull Bob.
It was quirky, it was creative, it was witty, and most importantly, it was talent. All characteristics which inspire me in my journey towards being a designer. Another quality that stood out for me was his ability to be diverse, yet stay true to his own personal style.
I also admire his knowledge and experience behind each sketch. By just scanning through some of his drawings, it is known that he is an observant artist. It's as if he finds joy and comedy out of watching the daily lives of people, and records it for the world to view, to realize with a laugh, that they themselves fall into some of his categories.
This also reminded me of how our IARC leaders remind us to record every little thing, to sketch every minor thought, for it could one day be an inspiration.